WE'RE CELEBRATING (again!) ...because being named one of Oprah's Favorite Things should be celebrated every year!
Oprah's Favorite: a MEMORY BEAR GIFT KIT
It's that time of year when Oprah reveals her favorite things, and we like to pause and remind ourselves how much we've grown since our award-winning MEMORY BEAR GIFT KIT was first named on her exclusive list. From growing a talented team to outgrowing our current retail/sewing space.
We're still your little Main Street shop (literally located at 20 S. Main Street in Pennington, New Jersey). Through the magic of the interwebs, are available to everyone throughout the US.
Thank you for supporting my little bear business. It's been an absolute dream come true.
We created the MEMORY BEAR GIFT KIT so you can give the gift of a Memory Bear to someone and they can choose the clothes themselves.
The Memory Bear Gift Kit includes:
- Shipping instructions
- Personalization on bear's feet
- Order form to write special request
- Optional Instructions to design the bear themselves
- Mailing bag to send the clothes to our sewing studio All the recipient needs to do is send us their clothes in the bag provided. And you just gave them the best gift ever- the gift of memories.
Order a MEMORY BEAR GIFT KIT and give one to everyone on your list. You help them save the memories, they send the clothes to us in the mailing bag provided
Why so early? Every bear we make is meticulously designed to incorporate the unique qualities of the clothes you send. It takes time. A lot of time. We need to have this hard deadline to be sure we have the time to make each keepsake as special as it can to be. We will try to have orders received after October 31st complete but cannot guarantee it will be ready in time for the holidays.
Frequently Asked Questions