Introducing the DIY Collection
Starting with a Make-Your-Own MINI MEMORY BEAR
After numerous requests, years of planning and months of product development, we're getting ready to launch our first DIY Collection in an innovative IRON-ON pattern that makes it easy and beginner-friendly.
Now YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN KEEPSAKES out of sentimental clothing
Trust me, you'll love it. It's 'sew' easy!
Only a limited number of pre-orders will be available at launch, so sign up and get on the list. You'll be the first to know when the kit is available to purchase.

A New Way to Sew
This isn't your average pattern. Traditional sewing patterns require cutting & tracing that can be difficult to follow.
Our DIY Patterns offer a new way to sew:
- Simple, iron-on pattern
- Iron directly onto fabric and cut on the solid lines
- Sew on the dashed line
- Easy to follow, numbered instructions printed right on the pattern
- Video tutorial option
- 'Get un-stuck' option: Whether you don't have time or just can't do it. We'll finish it for you. No shame, no guilt.